Parenting is a Team Effort

We came into the world with helping hands and we should live our lives that way. Asking for help should be second nature for us, and yet so many people struggle with that. As a Mom, I know first hand that raising children really does take a village. Surround yourself with people who you can learn from and who can help you when you feel lost. As a an Educator, Author and Parenting Consultant, I understand that we don't know how to do everything, nor should we. The world is complicated and everything feels as if it's always changing. When you find people who you can trust, who you can learn from, rely upon and turn to for advice, make them your tribe. You are not alone, and now that you're here, you will never feel that way again.

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What Type of Parent Are You?

Your young adult is struggling. We've all been there. But in order to help them, you've got to consider your Parenting style. If you are ready to help them become fully independent, responsible and resilient adults who are fully prepared to manage their life, it might be time for you to change too.

Click here to get started (we promise, it won't take long!)

Listen to the Launchpad podcast

"FatherEffects reveals the truth to women who want to tackle the reason for their low self-esteem, insecurity, anxiety, failed trust, emotional voids and sometimes, promiscuity. These characteristics are unfortunately the principle reasons why their relationships fail time after time. FatherEffects is a must read for those who care about their emotional health and lasting, satisfying relationships."

Raymond Aaron, Co-author of Chicken Soup for the Parent's Soul

"FatherEffects is an important book in the area of female psychology. It demonstrates how powerful fathers can be in shaping the psyches of their daughters, by their presence or absence. As a therapist, I would certainly recommend FatherEffects to my clients, not only for those with father issues, but to fathers of daughters as well."

Pearl Rothenberg, M.A., Clinical Psycologist

"Shari Jonas invites all of us, women and men alike, to reflect upon our childhood relationships, to break negative patterns and to improve the quality of our significant relationships. She offers us hope that with proper introspection, insight and support our breakdowns in life can be transferred into breakthroughs!"

Dr. K. Sohail, Psychotherapist

"FatherEffects is an insightful book taking the reader through lessons that bridge the past with the future, while validating the hurt and helping with the healing. Shari Jonas has done an outstanding job encouraging the reader to move from victimhood to empowerment. This book is a MUST for every therapist that works with women."

Janice E. Rench, LSW, CTC